Sunday, August 8, 2010

AqUeOus RejOice

Ppl say, “If the sky were always blue, we would never know the cleansing of the rain.” As a kid I never liked rain, might due to the thunders! Lol! But when I was in STD 3 for the first time I approved rain as father got me a raincoat and it made me crazy to flush in heavy rain. Then comes the college in teenage, I loved my long drives with a group of friends by enjoying the rain, wide road and whenever it drizzled hot pakoda and the 5 rupees wayside coffee was must!

As time passed the rain has changed its custom. I had read in some novel that the First Rain brings around the romantic person in you. I want to walk in the rain hand in hand with that ‘Special someone’ not worrying about the world .Then sitting in wayside Parks and sitting next to each other hand in hand under an umbrella. I want to feel a sense of freedom to run around with the one and without caring a damn about anything.

Even I feel like nature talks to me, I just need to understand its gesture! Thunders wishing me and the wet roads with bushy trees either way of the roads are talking to each other by its extended branches. The doughy green grass with droplets of water on it allures the vision and the aroma of moist sand drives me totally fantastic. Finally the sweet envious Nature affirms me, “God has crafted me no less aesthetic than the one you are in love with!” ;)

The missing piece of word that i need to complete my thought is exactly like the sunshine behind the clouds [...]



  1. awwww debasis.....the missing piece of word that i need to complete my comment is [...]
