Saturday, August 28, 2010

!!!CoCoA baking me cOnfeCtiOn@lcOholiC!!!

I, being a machine-crafts boy, can state ‘It’ that, it can be easily broken, shattered or damaged. It is delicate, brittle and frail. But it can perk up blues. The name is just enough to make your mouth water. Women like it most! Even certain media magnet has exemplified, “What a woman wants is very difficult to speculate but the answer lounges somewhere between conversation and CHOCOLATE! Yes friends, I’m talking about chocolate! Are you turning out to be chocoholic? Lol!

We all love chocolate! Of course, the reasons may show a discrepancy. Be it time for a treat, be it time for a festival, be it ring true to ask sorry, be it an occasion of jubilation, be it a birth day gift, a wedding gift or be it a time to charm your annoyed sweetheart and draw a cute smile on her lips, a box of chocolate is the simplest and cutest way to win over the state of affairs. It reinforces senses and changes the mood in fraction of seconds!

Even scientists have explored that eating chocolate may even help with math or at least counting. A study reported in 2009 showed that people did a better job of counting backwards in groups of three after they had consumed a hot cocoa drink containing large amounts of a compound found in chocolate. Really, it’s an attention-grabbing theme. Isn’t it? Lol!

I'm overindulged in a sweet, streamlined chocoholic theme today and I long for profess, “It’s she who awakes the feeling of an exquisite premise!” and sometime I meditate, “‎If I were the chocolate which brings ecstasy to ppl but can’t hang on without end, would I’ve been able to clutch on to someone’s heart?”


  1. u never gifted me any chocolate .........

  2. okie bachu i bunked my dinner now and i'm ralllllyyyyy hungry and i want CHOCOLATE!!!! nowwwww...

  3. you even need a question??! impressive...!!
