Saturday, August 7, 2010

My dil goes mmm

It is said that when you want something desperately in your life, the whole universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. But does it actually happen? I wish this all made sense. Not having you here with me just makes me go weak in the knees. But even though we are miles apart I can feel the beats of your heart.

emotional stakes ... reminding me of what I never had before and at the same time I don’t want to over-react too .Because I just want God to bless me in all my endeavours and to take care and be with the one I want him to everywhere. I’m in great loss of words because words can’t express what I’m feeling in the core of my heart. You have given me the strength to believe and to hope, however.

....I just know that my feelings are so pure and deep. My heart feels a need to fly to you. I wish it could... really!
Loads of love and kisses [...]

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