Monday, February 14, 2011

* tWINKLe TwinklE *

This is the evening of the Valentine’s Day,

Don’t strain your lips; wanna scan what these Twinkle eyes say…

Can’t permit a moment with you just go waste,

Each step, I take with you is a meaningful memoir for the rest!

Lead me astray catch the trail,

Wanna cage myself up behind your deep eye grill.

Help me catch the rhythms of your heart,

I vow to play notes of love much allied to that.

The idyllic beauty of your face, an unbounded tint of new,

I run short of oxygen when I think about you!.’-)

The cyclone that surge in my heart is no miracle,

Baby! For this, you are responsible!

Query me your heartbreak with no qualms,

I swear to fix it with succour balm.

Walk zeroing your fear that at locations you’d adrift,

Just wait until I catch the dust tracks of your footprint…

I had laid down my life on a Beautiful Angel’s arm,

And so have got her as a delicate present of charm!

As long as you’re with me there is nothing we can’t do,

My Angel! The love that I love to give you is really your due…

With loads of love... XOXO :* :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


“Rainbow”.... the word is more romantic than the rain filled days, a charming aura of nature beckoning some exquisite dimensions. How many of the spectators do actually judge, “It's made of white sunlight refracted through water or any other medium with a given refractive index and dispersed into its constituent colour components at different angles”. Can you really be in agreement that the real definition behind the vista makes any sense when the desire for romance reaches on top under an umbrella bringing two hearts close to each other? This is what they say “the colours of life”. The portrayal of each occasion may be different but you just need to find a gesture to ride out the moments happily and craft some sweet memories for future.

So experience the most wonderful colours of life, the colours of “Love”. Of late, I felt those colours come all in one shot and I've added and skipped something in life.I had tough times with my confusions that whether I’ve got a companion to walk with or had lost a friend; would it always be my love and care for her or would it appear to be obstruction on her independence and the questions have neither an answer nor an end at occasion? And then one fine day I tried to evaluate the colours and the Rainbow of love averred, “Love is friendship set on fire, especially when it rains!” What if I say is sometimes it doesn't matter how long you've known a person. If he/she had you smile since beginning never let him/her go. Life is too short to make up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Love them unconditionally.

When you smile, life seems so beautiful to me. When I look into your eyes, it’s hard to turn away. You have got a hug that takes away all my worries, a voice that makes my mood lively, a kiss that makes my heart beat faster, and a persona that awakes immense respect in my heart. Your laugh takes my breath away in joy! I feel like the luckiest person in the world being the closest to your heart. If this is called love then I love you a lot! I wanna fall for it. If it changes my life let it, because if the new is you, I’d love to long for it. As in certain somewhere I had read, “Love is like standing on wet cement; the longer you stay the harder it is to leave and you can never let go without leaving your foot prints behind.” I want my foot prints with you.

XoXo :) :*

Friday, October 8, 2010

Ambiguity? Get the drift more INTENSE...

Hello friends, happy weekend to all, in conclusion no study crash for next two days! Wow!

A few days back my eyes caught the fancy of a word string, “No body has ever complained of a parachute not opening!” Lol! But the ideology behind is just awesome! No body has ever whined of such a parachute doesn’t connote that the injured party took loads of pleasure in Newton’s law of gravity! Thing is he knows well that if he can’t put his brain into operation at the occasion fortune must put a full stop to his life for sure. So instead of complaining or remaining silent and watching the undesirable or wasting time in ridiculous it would be much better attempting some brain stuff or aerobics and obviously if anybody can help then ask for the help right away. If we can get the picture very easily when we see a peril in front of us, then why not in every day life?

Let me be a little short and snappy.
Things might look much better from another angle..'-) The person who is always smiling doesn't mean that he has no problem. But the smile shows that he has the ability to overcome the problems, isn’t it? It has a great assistance the other way. How if I enjoin is actually, often people have reliance in keeping their grief hidden inside or thrash about themselves. But the fact is it’s not viable. Whatever you feel inside, will eventually come out a day through frustration, antipathy, bitterness, even anger or through some other bodily processes and facial expressions that our body reflects. But is it only an individual consequence? No, in point of fact there are a lot of simultaneous upshots. It might happen when you let yourself regulated by others (to whom you feel that you shouldn’t say a ‘No’) or when your dear ones start tracing your faults or problems and counsels you. Naively their incessant recommendation starts annoying you. Every now and then they suggest something that you might not be in agreement with. So you start putting things and emotions out of their sight. But the most unsolicited episodes go on when the other person knows about it. But what to do! You were just cheesed off with all these shares and cares or cheats and sheets!

It’s true the world has become quite independent and everyone wants to be a little liberated. I myself believe in people, their intrinsic ability to think, feel, solve problems and take care of themselves. But experience the righteousness of contributing your love neither your grief nor heartache. What I reckon is everybody has been taught to believe; believe in God and if there is a deity, then also believe in demon, believe in this and believe in that, but has not been taught to know. That’s where ppl skipped. ‘Trust’ is the result of the experiment ‘Know’ and unless you know, you can’t be liberated. So if you can’t trust it is better to doubt. In doubt you can never feel fulfilled and a day or other you’ll start seeking how to go beyond and finally the ‘know’ (knowledge) you’ll get is the concrete ‘belief’.

Wrestle with your problem! If you need help then ask for help, and then if you don’t believe in their opinions in that case doubt in their opinions. Know whether they are right or wrong! Make them understand you; make them realize your feelings, make them know what type of person you are actually and what you like and don’t like. Learn to say no to the things you don’t like. By doing this you are not going to hurt anyone to be more precise you’re just supporting yourself in the ways that work. Interact with the person in the ways that work. If you feel like the interaction is transporting to lines of reasoning then stop there. Give the other person sometime. By this even you’ll be able to judge the person. If the person is really a welcoming one then eventually he/she will understand you. Brush against the sweet feelings of being cared. Interaction’s the right staging of your intellect. Your heart will guide you. If your intellect is the car then heart is the driver who steers you. So try to see with your heart’s eyes. Experience the goodness that you can furnish and have round from others.

All I’ve sensed somewhere in my life. I often tried to see my life in a really large photo frame, but always an ambiguity bargained in its layout, but the ambiguity kept me overwhelming! So I chose to find a lovely background to support my life in a charming approach and then to blend the photo into the background. It has never been easy to find the precious entities. However, although I had felt weary, I was able to find the sweetest background. People say, “Be thankful when you are tired.” I’m so so much thankful to the special someone to amalgamate in my life by colourful means and to emulate the gentle swirls of it in an inspiring way.

xoxo :) :*

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

True Love Starts Somewhere...

So one of the most beautiful days of my life came at the end of the day. So many planning and so many enthusiasms and all of a sudden all the planning changed. But a big thank you to your roomies and special thanks goes to Miss Sweety Jain! :-P But she is really going to miss you today. The most hilarious mania is that we both are conveying moral support to each other, “Its okay re.... we’ll celebrate it together next time for sure!”, however! Lol!


Here’s wishing your special day brings you all that you’ve wished for. I know I’m not by your side celebrating your unique day with you.... but I want to make you feel special in every way I can! So no more senti- demonstrative talks and what we’re going to do is we’ll call some sweet memories to mind those we have gathered as one. Before that

Wishing you a day as precious as you are....

Happy Birthday

Do you remember the day, I was late to the exam and was asked to take the exam sitting next to you? So what had happened actually I was not well prepared for chemistry. However, although I had gone to the exam hall with full of optimism and excitement, I was stuck afresh by the harsh reality of the hall! So like most students I had dreamed a fairy-tale test surrounded by all who were my dear comrades. But all grassed on! The examiner also gave third degree to sit on the FIRST BENCH! As soon as my eyes responded to light rays that reflected off the first bench the rays no more remained as rays, pattern of nerve impulses travelled through my sensory neurons and association neurons. My brain grasped the impulses, explored and accounted it for danger and immediately sent out a message, “STOP! On the bench the person is a GIRL!” Next, the impulses voyaged through my motor neurons and effectors succeeded stock-still my legs and I organically realized that how challenging it is to green light that all this happened within a few seconds! Perhaps that’s why even though doctors off pet overweight books but never tried to chew over mathematics. Whatever, Biology is always a complication for me, you know it well! Lol! Of course I had seen you before but had never given a consideration. That day you were in a suit, I remember. A quantity of ornamentations was given to it and a silk piece of scarf was attached round your neck. As all knows an engineer’s eyes are able enough to catch the contented entities even in flustered circumstances, how could have my eyes behaved strange! A charming cute face, beauty invested on sweet cheeks. A few ringed hairs disposed over ears. Concrete looks (those you can see and feel) were peeping through your specs’ glass. You were ready with your answer sheet and pen. The minute my eyes glimpsed the pen, the flustered circumstances won through contented entities! I usually don’t cheat, but what if you shrieked, “NO WAY! I’M NOT GONNA BE YOUR ACCOMPLICE IN A FELONY!” Gossips.... cheat.... and.... SHEET! I adjudicated, “Nope! No way am I going to sit next to her in this exam.” Finally, sat in the next room and took the paper. But if truth be told I felt weird. I leaned forward on the table, resting my chin on my folded arms, my fingers gripping the table’s edge as I grappled with my emotion, why did I conduct myself ill at ease that time, but couldn’t search out any debate.Same time I thought I must not over act, cause as per the formula of romantic movies, thinking in such posture might escort me to fall in love, Oops! I sat straight. Later, when the examiner knocked the bell causing resonance I messily yet seriously broadcasted to my OMR sheet and some of the surrounding tables, “Whatever we sort it out soon, but for now, I must express regret.” I did ask you sorry also! I lied that just like that I didn’t want to sit! Mostly our talk was easy, one or two activating you easy blushes a moment or two. If you asked again, I probably wouldn’t lie, but I didn’t think you would ask again. I couldn’t remember that time I’d talked so much. More often than not, I felt intentional, certain I must be boring you. But the absolute engagement of your face compelled me to continue to ask one more question, “How was the exam.” That was also over and done with your reply, “It was good!”

Yes at your home, well another story there. Lemme be specific, “My very first day at your home!” You introduced me to uncle and uncle started ragging me, “Hello! I’ve heard a lot about you,” and then to you, “Is he a good boy?” You waggled your head signalling a big yes and then soon he asked to you, “How did you know that?” and we all fell about laughing!

I still remember those days, how I used to play pranks and we used to text each other in aunt’s number at night! How you would stay beside me when I needed you and would share every heartfelt joy of mine. We may have grown up a little more and our relationship now holds a new name but the fond feelings I have for you are still the same, full of gratitude and respect.

Nothing much to say dear.... just one line.... “I love you!”

Happy Birthday once again and many happy returns of the day!

Loads of Love!
XoXo :* :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Till EteRniTy...

Love then was an occasion of dedicated friendship, we both looked forward to, when little things mattered much and appreciation from you took me to seventh heaven, when the emotions were babyish and eyes of innocence carried in themselves dreams and bonding.

Love now is a mutual source of contentment and perennial joy. A plant nourished with great care and affection, a hope for everlasting togetherness, glaring day by day.

Love forever shall remain unaltered and intense, our legendry love shall occupy respectable and decent theme, setting an example for thousands of lovers all over, by being an immortal relationship!

So leave the fear and liberate yourself from constraints. Be tender, dear, life is to radiate love and care. I will be always with you. I’ll become your shadow when you feel lost. I’ll brush against your body akin to frost breeze in scorching sun. If you are sad, let the tides of grief to die away at me.If anything hurts you, share with me. I’ll try to turn out to be your motivation to smile an extra.

I loved you then, I love you now, and I shall love you forever. This promise I make, and shall fulfil it in totality.

xoxo :) :*

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I love you now and until I die...

Never thought so beautiful the feeling could be.
Such wonderful & pure, “Our Love”,
The same asYour name does ratify,
I love you now and until I die...

A hundred hearts will be too few,
To carry all my love for you.
Seek not Sweetheart! For “if” & “why”,
I love you now and until I die...

Let the unnecessary disappears & wishes & denies.
Necessaries may speak: “Love is sweet debt of life”,
I love you now and until I die...

The charm on face & smile on lips,
I take you in arms & hide in sweet dreams.
Stop not these b'ful eyes, today if they shy,
I love you now and until I die...

Hands on hands, step by step, come close,
Give no space to words drop in between.
Breaths brush against soft cheeks & into the ears words fly,
I love you now and until I die...

Monday, August 30, 2010

mELANCHOLy[?] LifE is liMited EditioN! ;)

Will you be in agreement, “You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel?” I signify it’s not that easy, is it? But what if I say is tunefully, “If ‘God’ is the DJ, then ‘Life’ is the dance floor, ‘Love’ is the rhythm, and ‘You’ are the music.” Yet people take life for granted and mostly the unwelcome happens when a person holds the other person’s life for granted.

Well what I deem we often start to get ahead of ourselves in life and think, “What if he breaks my heart?”, “What if he fights with me due to some misapprehensions and we break up?”, “What if it doesn’t work out this way?” etc and the game never has any answers at the occasion. It only tots up hassle about something that might not ever happen! Another high-way to smash up your love life is by bullshit. I mean your own personal walls or any games people are inclined to play during a relationship. For example I have often noticed ppl sampling to make their partner jealous, or saying things to test certain reactions, or inhibiting feelings! Life is so much easier and wonderful without it. And what’s the worst that can happen? You end up getting hurt. Is it the end of the world? No! You deal with it and move on. Why worry about something that might not ever happen, right? So you should hope for the best but set up for the worst and dwell in existing time.
Whenever I start playing the “What If Game”, I just think to myself that I will cross that bridge when I come to it. Of course I can’t do anything about it now.

Sometimes what happens when someone put us in the picture about a problem, what turns out to be our reaction? Do we believe we need to solve it for the person? Do we suppose that that person’s future rests on our ability to give an opinion? That’s stepping on two boats. Just mull over what is our reaction to ourselves when we encounter a problem or when we face the prospect of assuming responsibility for ourselves? Do we believe in ourselves or others? Do we give power to people and their abilities or do we give the power to the problem? We should learn to check ourselves out. For that we must learn to think, and consider our response, before we act in response.

The counsel should be, “I’m sorry you’re having that problem. I know you can stature a solution out.” Here you mean some feelings going on and you know the person will work through them and come out the other side. Each of us is responsible for ourselves. It does not mean we don’t care. It does not mean an estrangement or

immobility of our support from others. It’s just we become skilled at loving and holding up people in ways that work. It justifies loving and supporting ourselves and designates that we hook up with friends who love and support us in ways that work. After all to believe in people, their intrinsic ability to think, feel, solve problems and take care of themselves is a great gift we can furnish and have round from others.

I expect my new life in a new world of love to be as peachy as it could be. Thanks to her, she doesn’t seem to mind me low expectations. She seems to like me with the expectations and I find myself fascinated by her.
I'm babyish. I make mistakes, I am out of control and every so often hard to handle. I might come out self-seeking and protective. Even I might seem annoyed or might imply anxious at times. Please, however, don’t chuck out me that instant, because I know only you can handle me at my worst, and you always deserve me at my best.

xoxo :) :*