Friday, September 10, 2010

Till EteRniTy...

Love then was an occasion of dedicated friendship, we both looked forward to, when little things mattered much and appreciation from you took me to seventh heaven, when the emotions were babyish and eyes of innocence carried in themselves dreams and bonding.

Love now is a mutual source of contentment and perennial joy. A plant nourished with great care and affection, a hope for everlasting togetherness, glaring day by day.

Love forever shall remain unaltered and intense, our legendry love shall occupy respectable and decent theme, setting an example for thousands of lovers all over, by being an immortal relationship!

So leave the fear and liberate yourself from constraints. Be tender, dear, life is to radiate love and care. I will be always with you. I’ll become your shadow when you feel lost. I’ll brush against your body akin to frost breeze in scorching sun. If you are sad, let the tides of grief to die away at me.If anything hurts you, share with me. I’ll try to turn out to be your motivation to smile an extra.

I loved you then, I love you now, and I shall love you forever. This promise I make, and shall fulfil it in totality.

xoxo :) :*

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